Battling the cold in Syria

Syria: A Country in Crisis

Six years of conflict have devastated the lives of Syrian families. 6.3 million people have been displaced within Syria and millions more have fled the country. Desperate and in utter despair, these families are left struggling to survive.

“Life is very difficult”

In towns and villages across the Syrian-Turkish border millions of displaced people are taking refuge. One such person is Umm Hozaa, a 50 year-old mother of 14 from Alghab:

“Our life is very difficult nowadays. We are homeless. We don’t have enough water and we are not getting bread on a daily basis.”

Having left their hometown with just the clothes on their backs, the family now live in a makeshift tent. Made out of plastic sheeting and with simple blankets, their shelter is small, cold and vulnerable to the wind, rain and snow.

With very little space and no mattresses, heater, wood or fuel, the family often sleep outside on the cold hard ground. One day the family were even forced to burn clothes to keep warm.

Hungry and cold, it’s no wonder that the family are ill. Umm Hozaa would collect plastic from the road to sell in order to buy bread and supplies for the children. For her disabled child, there is no doctor and for Umm Hozaa herself, there is very little hope:

“My child said to me we will die because of the cold. I tell him to be patient, hoping that someone will help us.”

A Ray of Hope in Dark Times

Alhamdulillah, you are Umm Hozaa’s hope. Your generous donations enabled us to supply the family with a winter kit including food and plastic sheets.

Battling the cold in Syria

Such aid was a life-saving relief:

“Thank you to Islamic Relief for your support. I hope that you continue helping us and all those who are in need.”

Thank you for your support. As we now pass through another cold, wet winter, let’s remember the millions of families struggling to survive.

This winter, will you be a ray of hope for mothers like Umm Hozaa?

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