Just R100 a month can help transform the lives of communities suffering the effects of conflict and natural disasters
Just R300 a month can help transform the lives of communities suffering the effects of conflict and natural disasters
Just R500 a month can help transform the lives of communities suffering the effects of conflict and natural disasters
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Give a little… Gain a lot

To us, a monthly donation of R100 is ENORMOUS.

If everyone in the SA donated just R300 a month, this would add up to R600 million a year! Just imagine the BIG impact this could have on the lives of the most vulnerable people around the world.

A better and brighter future

Your monthly Sadaqah donation can transform lives, enabling communities to build a better and brighter future for themselves.

SubhanAllah, the deeds most loved by Allah (SWT) are those done regularly – even if they are small.


Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:

“…The most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even if it were little.” (Bukhari)


By making a regular Sadaqah donation, you can reap immense rewards and provide critical support for some of the world’s most vulnerable people.

Give just R100 sadaqah a month. Donate now and help save lives.

© Copyrights 2025 Islamic Relief SA. All rights reserved Charity Registration Number - 043-357-NPO