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September 13, 2019

With 1 in 9 people across the globe struggling against chronic hunger, Eid was definitely not the same for everyone. However, you helped to brighten up these blessed days for a staggering three million people alhamdulillah, thanks to your Qurbani donations!

Yes, that’s communities across an astonishing 35 countries where you helped to provide nutritious protein for a home-cooked meal over these sacred days. Read on and take a look at just a handful of the people you helped and their daily lives!

Bangladesh: A happy Eid for displaced families


After violence in Myanmar forced over 655,000 to flee to Bangladesh in search of safety and security, refugee families have been living in incredibly tough conditions. Alhamdulillah, you supported around 78,000 refugees from Myanmar and an additional 138,000 locals by providing fresh meat for Eid!

Kenya: Helping children to keep healthy


A staggering one in three children in Kenya suffer from stunting as families living in poverty struggle to feed their children. With climate change affecting the local environment and livelihoods, food poverty is a daily struggle. Alhamdulillah, Qurbani meat offers critical relief during the blessed days of Eid and beyond.

Lebanon: Supporting Syrian refugees


With eight years of violent conflict, over a million Syrian men, women and children fled to neighbouring countries such as Lebanon in fear of their lives. With hundreds of thousands of children still living in refugee camps, food is scarce and certainly not protein-packed. Your Qurbani makes all the difference – thank you!

Mali: Smiles all round for Sadaqah!


In Mali, almost half of the population live on less than £1.40 a day. That’s not even the price of our morning take-out coffee subhanAllah. However, there is good news! For the 300,000 people in Mali who received your Qurbani, Eid was a happy time of year. Your sadaqah truly brought smiles – JazakAllah Khair!

Myanmar: Making daily life less challenging


Mynamar is sadly no strange to poverty, conflict and inter-communal violence. With decades of stagnation, mismangament and isolation, over 3.4 million of the country’s population are living in crippling poverty. This is where your Qurbani makes such a difference to the lives of families in need – thank you!

Nepal: No, no more hunger!  


With recurring disasters and a shocking one in four people living on less than R7 (yes R7!) a day, a tasty varied diet is definitely not something that many people can look forward to. This is where your Qurbani makes all the difference. With meat such a luxury, your Qurbani means the difference between a substantial meal and hunger…

Pakistan: The best time of year is Eid!   


What a wonderful smile! For children and parents in Pakistan, Eid is (of course) the best time of year! That’s because thanks to your Qurbani, families across Pakistan can enjoy a tasty fresh meal – something crucial for millions of children under the age of five who are lacking in nutrients and vitamins.

South Sudan: Providing much-needed relief   


Did you know that almost five million people in South Sudan don’t know where their next meal will come from? Poverty in this conflict-stricken nation means that most people don’t live past the age of 56 years old. This is why your Qurbani is so important. Being able to finally cook fresh tasty meat on the days of Eid and beyond, means parents don’t have to worry for the immediate time being about how they’re going to feed their families.

Sri Lanka: It’s all go for an Eid meal!    


Nine thousand kilos of meat and 36,000 people… Yes – this is your Qurbani in action! With fresh tasty meat in hand, local families are all set to tuck into a healthy meal over Eid. Given that more than one in three people in Sri Lanka can’t afford a fully nutritious diet, your Qurbani is much-needed charity in action!

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South Africa: Charity in action at home


Over 50% of South African families live in poverty as the country struggles with homelessness and a high rate of unemployment. Your Qurbani reached far and wide bringing comfort to communities like Masipumelele and Paarl which were destroyed by the winter fires and flooding. Thanks to you – 5,297 South Africans shared in the joy of Eid!

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