Wednesday June 28, 2023

At Islamic Relief, we are committed to ensuring that the practice of Qurbani reaches those most in need. To achieve this, we have implemented comprehensive and transparent criteria and a scoring system, which allows us to identify eligible rightsholders for Qurbani meat packs. By adhering to this rigorous process, we aim to ensure fairness, equity, and the maximum impact of your generous contributions.


Our assessment process commences by identifying families living below the minimum income threshold in their respective countries. This criterion ensures that Qurbani reaches those facing financial hardships and unable to afford the ritual sacrifice themselves. By focusing on individuals and families experiencing economic vulnerability, we strive to alleviate their burden during the blessed occasion of Eid al-Adha.


To ensure inclusivity and fairness, Islamic Relief places special emphasis on specific groups that are more vulnerable within communities. One such group includes female-headed households, as they often face additional challenges and responsibilities.


Families with disabled and elderly members are prioritised, acknowledging their unique needs and the additional support required. Islamic Relief strives to ensure no one is left behind, extending its compassion and assistance to these families.


We recognize the vulnerability of young children and prioritize families with children under five years. By extending our support to these families, we aim to provide a better Eid experience for the young ones, fostering a sense of joy and relief during this festive period.


Women, particularly pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, are among the rightsholders of our Qurbani program. Their nutritional requirements are of utmost importance, and by including them as eligible recipients, we address their specific needs and support their well-being during this auspicious occasion.


We make it a priority to identify families with limited or no access to the market. These communities often face geographical challenges or lack the resources to procure Qurbani animals. By targeting these groups, we ensure that the spirit of Qurbani extends to those who may otherwise be unable to participate fully.


Islamic Relief’s Qurbani program upholds the principles of fairness, equity, and compassion. Our comprehensive eligibility criteria and scoring system prioritize families and individuals most in need, enabling them to partake in this cherished religious practice. By contributing to our Qurbani program, you can rest assured that your donation will reach those who require it the most, spreading joy and blessings during the festive season of Eid al-Adha.


Your Qurbani donations make a difference and bring hope, joy, and happiness during Eid al-Adha. 


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