SubhanAllah We’re Winning!

Together we are winning the fight against poverty. In the last 15 years the number of people living in acute poverty has halved.

In 1990, nearly half of the population in developing countries lived on less than 90 pence a day. In September 2000, the international community set the goal for all governments, charities and their donors of reducing poverty by 50 per cent by 2015. This goal was achieved last year, with the poverty rate down to 14 per cent, in part due to your amazing support and generosity.

Our commitment to ensuring your donations go further is fundamental to the way in which we work. From our innovative rainwater harvesting systems that provide critical water at times of drought, to our pioneering new Alternative Orphans Project, which change the way traditional sponsorship works, we are at the forefront of making a difference where it matters.

Whilst we are leading the fight against poverty through sustainable income generation initiatives, we also know that sometimes a more immediate response to hunger and pain is needed. Our Islamic Relief teams are on the ground providing relief in some of the most hazardous places in the world, to communities overwhelmed by war or struck by natural disasters.

Since the start of the Syrian crisis we’ve delivered over £140 million of crucial aid to 6.5 million people inside Syria and in neighbouring countries. In war-ravaged Yemen, we have distributed £34 million of aid in 17 of the 22 governorates affected by the conflict. This is more than any other aid agency, Muslim or otherwise.

Together we’ve achieved so much, but there are still 800 million people living in extreme poverty. I know that with your support we will raise everyone out of poverty in the next 15 years Insha’Allah.

Thank you.


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