Wednesday May 15, 2024

Sudan, once a land of rich culture and history, is now facing one of the most rapidly escalating humanitarian crises globally. Since April 15, 2023, a civil war between two rival factions of the military government of Sudan, the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has ravaged the nation, killing thousands, causing widespread destruction, and leaving millions displaced, hungry, and in urgent need of assistance. Right now, 25 million people need humanitarian aid, with 14 million being children. The situation is dire, with no end in sight to the suffering of the Sudanese people.


The Crisis at a Glance

As of April 2024, over 8.6 million Sudanese people have been displaced within the country or have sought refuge in neighbouring nations, including Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia, and South Sudan. This staggering displacement crisis has particularly affected children, with approximately 4 million of them uprooted from their homes, facing an uncertain future, and triggering the largest child displacement in the world.

The escalation of violence has plunged Sudan into acute food insecurity, with 17.7 million people, or 37% of the population, struggling to access sufficient food. Among them, 4.9 million are on the brink of famine, facing life-threatening hunger. The conflict has disrupted food production and distribution channels, exacerbating an already unstable situation. Even before the surge in hostilities, approximately one-third of Sudan’s population struggled with daily hunger. The ongoing conflict has now placed every second person in need of assistance.

Healthcare services have been severely compromised, with more than half of the population lacking access to essential medical care. Armed hostilities have affected 70% of healthcare facilities in conflict zones, rendering them non-operational, and the remaining facilities are stretched beyond capacity. Disease outbreaks, including cholera, measles, malaria, and dengue fever, are rampant, further worsening the humanitarian crisis.


The Impact on Children

Children in Sudan are bearing the brunt of this crisis. With millions displaced and facing acute food insecurity, their lives and futures are at risk. Even before the conflict, Sudan had one of the highest malnutrition rates among children globally. Now, an estimated 3.5 million children are expected to experience acute malnutrition, with nearly 700,000 facing life-threatening conditions.

The closure or limited operation of schools due to the conflict is placing the education of 19 million school-aged children at risk, depriving them of opportunities for a better future.


What can we do, and how can we support the people of Sudan?

In light of this unfolding crisis, urgent action is needed to alleviate the suffering of the Sudanese people. Islamic Relief has been present and working in Sudan since 1984 and is responding to the latest escalation in violence despite facing numerous challenges.

However, more support is needed. Our local and international communities must step up their efforts to provide lifesaving assistance to the millions caught in the crossfire of this conflict. Whether through donations or raising awareness, everyone can play a role in making a difference.


Donate today and contribute to alleviating the suffering of millions facing unimaginable hardship. Let us pray for the well-being of the entire Sudan so that peace may be the deciding factor, with greater significance given to the safety of human life.

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