We’re now approaching the last month of the Islamic year, Alhamdulillah! For each and every Muslim, this new month comes with many lessons and blessings from Allah (SWT) for us to reflect upon and strive for better. So with this in mind, we’ve brought you six ways that you can make the most of this blessed month. Take a look and get stuck-in Insha’Allah!
1. Fast away your sins
One of the best forms of worship to Allah (SWT) is fasting. By abstaining from food, drink and sexual intimacy during daylight hours, we learn important lessons about self-discipline, self-sacrifice and the struggles of those who are hungry and thirsty every day. At the same time, we’re also reaching out to Allah and asking for forgiveness for our sins. So fast away your sins for the first nine days of Dhul Hijjah – in particular the day of ‘Arafah – and make a fresh start.
2. Take time out for Tajjahud
Seize the sacred nights of Dhul Hijjah. Stand in worship to Allah (SWT) in the still silence of the night and pour out your heart to Allah. Unload your worries, ask for guidance and get closer to Allah during the first nine nights. We all need time out to reconnect to Allah and what better time to reach out to Him? So, stand up and feed your soul. You’ll reap many blessed rewards!
3. Sacrifice your Nafs
The story of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) is one of self-sacrifice and trust in Allah (SWT). Throughout our life, we often face challenges and difficulties but this story serves as a reminder that we must put Allah first and trust him. So, this month re-establish your commitment with Allah and commit to giving up a bad habit, negative patterns of behaviour and trust in your number One – Allah Almighty!
4. Feed the Hungry
For those who are able to afford to (ideally those who meet the nisab threshold), donating towards a Qurbani sacrifice is a great way of marking Eid al-Adha. By donating Qurbani, you’re not only replicating the struggle of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) but also providing a crucial source of protein for families in need. We’re distributing Qurbani both here in the South Africa and across the globe, so donate today and spread the blessings!
5. Spend in Sadaqah
Give in sadaqah during the first nine days to maximise the blessings of this month. Increase your good deeds by doing something good, such as visiting an elderly relative, cleaning up your local community, feeding people who are homeless, cooking your family a lovely meal and telling your friends and family how much they mean to you. You can also donate towards our work and help some of the millions of people worldwide struggling against war, poverty, hunger and thirst. Remember, every good deed is special in its own way!
6. Make Hajj happen
We all dream of going to Hajj, but if you’re on the way to Mecca this month – fear not! Why not start making that dream a reality? For example, you could start a Hajj fund and watch those cents turn to rands Insha’Allah. Or, if you’ve already completed Hajj, then why not pay for a dear family member or friend to take this blessed step? You can make dreams come true!
With these great tips in mind, let’s make the most of this blessed month and reach out our hands and hearts to those in need. Eid al-Adha Mubarak from everyone at Islamic Relief SA! For all of you going on Hajj, Hajj Mubarak! May Allah (SWT) accept your Hajj and please keep us all in your prayers!